Dear Soul Dive,

As we close out 2023 I have to share what an honor it is to be at the helm of such an incredible, heart centered yoga studio. I want to take a moment to thank and celebrate our community for all of the time dedicated to yourselves, your mat and your practice! Your devotion is inspiring and I can’t wait to see more of it as we ring in the new year!

I talk a lot about endings in my classes. After experiencing so many I’ve become quite comfortable with letting go. As we sit back and release another year, I invite you to release more than just the minutes passing by. I invite you to release the stuff that keeps coming up, the distractions, temptations, old unhealthy patterns. We reach the end all the time. On the heavy side of life we experience death and on a lighter note, the end of an evening concludes with dessert (if we’re lucky). We are one ending breath away from a new inhale. Not so hard is it? So why are we running around gripping the baggage that weighs us into the ground? Why can’t we just let it go, or at the very least let something go?

Before we step into the new year let’s all get better at the release. Let’s unwrap our sweaty palm from the death grip and just let go. Let’s let go to make room, create space and provide a soft landing for the abundant blessings that will certainly find us at the dawn of a fresh year. Let’s let go because we’re sick of being heavy and ready to feel light. Let’s let go because it’s the only way we can grow.

The new year brings on a season of intentions, goals and resolutions. Before you get all crazy in your journal with everything your heart desires, make sure you’ve done the work to clean up your corners. Spaciousness is required for clarity

Clarity will effortlessly flow when you’re in the practice of letting go. Your mat has been preparing you for the leap forward into a new year. You’ve shown up, done the work and if you’ve made it this far in my email gained a friendly reminder to keep practicing the release. And once you have, stay empty for a bit. Allow the spaciousness to swirl around your soul for a bit before filling up. 

We are stepping into 2024 refreshed and ready for the amazing lineup of workshops to keep you aligned - mind, body and soul! I’m kicking it off with our Vision Board workshop on January 14th! My version of spiritual arts and crafts. We’ll gather, ground, embark upon a meditation with intention setting and space for journaling. Then we create! Finding all the images, words, colors, shapes and creatively putting our visions on paper for us to see.

We’ve got 2 more classes left in 2023! 

Saturday - 10am Soulful Vinyasa with Chelsea

Sunday - 10am Community Class with Kirsty

See you in 2024, Soul Fam! 

On behalf of our entire Soul Dive teaching team, Happy New Year!

Big Love,



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